#BreakingStereotypes, an EXTRAORDINAIRE Indian CAMPAIGN Created, Promoted and Led by India´s TRULYMADLY.COM (Dating Site)!

"The world is a funny place. We live to be distinctive and strive to fit in at the same time, adding fuel to the fire of collective stereotypes while moving forward. But we at Truly Madly aren’t okay with the status quo. We like to see every individual through a different lens instead of bucketing them in categories. We like meeting fun people in this funny world and figuring out what makes them stand out"

We like going against the rules.

We like breaking stereotypes.

Take a look at the industry we work in! Matchmaking has suddenly become synonymous with scary elements like horoscopes (or as we call them, horrorscopes), aunties and panditjis, band baaja baraat and ‘statistics’. From these, statistics disturb us the most! Statistics turn the matchmaking process clinical and impersonal, which really takes the fun and love out of it.

No Sir. No thank you! We vote for compatibility and not mathematical congruency. So how to get the junta to start thinking differently? Show them the difference within themselves :)

It was with this objective that we decided to run a little social experiment and speak with Delhi boys and girls about life (not just matches ;)) and how they’ve faced generalisations while growing up. Surprisingly for them and excitingly enough for us, we hit gold! We found Hindus who eat beef, Punjabis who love masala dosas and baniyas who aren’t businessmen (gasp!).  As our campaign gained pace, numbers multiplied and the cycle went on. We have successfully managed to curate funky and controversial stereotypes faced by real people across town and debunked them ‘like a boss’! We are officially one step closer to breaking stereotypes in India. Yahoo!

Stay tuned for more pictures and stories that could change the way you look at people and live your life.

View Our #BreakingStereotypes! Gallery

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#BreakingStereotypes, an EXTRAORDINAIRE Indian CAMPAIGN Created, Promoted and Led by India´s TRULYMADLY.COM (Dating Site)!

"The world is a funny place. We live to be distinctive and strive to fit in at the same time, adding fuel to the fire of collective stereotypes while moving forward.

Si nunca te ha gustado el sarcasmo o simplemente no lo entiendes, malas noticias.

Seguro que has oído la palabra Coolhunting e incluso la habrás utilizado alguna vez.

Esta semana impartí un seminario acerca de los “Knowmads” lo que me llevó a realizar un trabajo de investigación más profundo; si cabe, sobre sus características y su forma de ser.

A pesar de la miopía del Congreso Colombiano frente al matrimonio gay, la revolución LGBTI no tiene reversa. Sus implicaciones en la economía, los negocios y la política en Colombia son inmensas.





“Who in the rainbow can draw the line where the violet tint ends and the orange tint begins? Distinctly we see the difference of the colors, but where exactly does the one first blendingly enter into the other? So with sanity and insanity.”

—Herman Melville, Billy Budd

Spectral Rhythm.

Untitled (Cubes) by Scott Taylor

Update: This post was an Editor’s pick by Cristy Gelling at Science Seeker, and was included in Bora Zivkovic‘s top 10 science blog posts of the week.

Lately, I’ve got colors on the brain.


- Our experiences with objects determine how we feel about the colors of those objects.

- There are general trends in color preferences across cultures, but wide differences among individuals.

This is the fourth part in a series about how girls and women can navigate a culture that treats them like sex objects. (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)

Daily Rituals to Start

This post details some daily rituals that girls and women can engage in to interrupt damaging beauty culture scripts.

This is the third part in a series about how girls and women can navigate a culture that treats them like sex objects. (Part 1, Part 2).

This post outlines four damaging daily rituals of objectification culture we can immediately stop engaging in to improve our health.

Sexual Objectification, Part 1: What is it?

Posted on July 2, 2012by Caroline Heldman

This is the first part in a series about how girls and women can navigate a culture that treats them like sex objects.

This is the second part in a series about how girls and women can navigate a culture that treats them like sex objects. (Part 1).

After nearly three decades, the feminist “sex wars” are back.

Adaptado por: Orbita Diversa

El concepto de la cosificación u objetivación de las mujeres surgió con el feminismo de segunda ola, por lo que lleva rondándonos desde los años 70. Sin embargo, pese a lo relativamente reciente del término, la cosificación de la mujer no es un fenómeno nuevo.


–Oye, ¿y qué tal Fulanito?

–Majo, muy normal.

Últimamente el atributo de ser normal es un valor en alza. Si os fijáis, cuando preguntan por alguien y lo definen como ‘muy normal’, le damos mucho valor a este adjetivo.

“La cultura humana se basa en la mierda. (…) De la cuna a la sepultura, la mierda impregna nuestra concepción de la cultura, la sociedad, la salud, el decoro, el humor y la identidad”. La historia de la Humanidad es inexplicable sin la caca. Está por todas partes.

If you say something once people usually ignore it.

Say it twice and people think it’s a coincidence.

But say it three times and now the brain picks up on a pattern.

When you say something three times your listener will stop and take notice because it’s a form their mind is familiar with.

...una experiencia animada e interactiva 

de la comunicación y simbolismo del color

...an animated and interactive experience 

of color communication and symbolism 





Aquí hay casi doscientas posibles relaciones entre un consumidor y una marca que fueron escritas en "El Libro Rojo de las Marcas" por Luis Bassat.

El lingüista estadounidense Noam Chomsky enumera diez recursos utilizados por los medios para manipular la opinión pública a favor de diversas agendas corporativas o gubernamentales.

Our appearance changes every day. When we get up each morning, we decide what clothes and jewellery to wear, which hairs to shave and which to style. All of this varies by occasion, and some of us make more radical alterations as well, such as getting tattoos, piercings or cosmetic surgery.

We think of brands as amazingly powerful. People prefer whatever cola they are drinking, as long as it’s labeled Coca Cola. People pay lots more for a Ralph Lauren Polo shirt than a generic shirt of identical quality.

Uncoolhunting is an activity performed by the uncoolhunters. It was born in Buenos Aires from the investigations of the website/magazine The Uncoolhunter.






.Future Oriented Psychology

.Think Thanks

* Propaganda


¡Marshal Mcluhan!

¡Aldoux Huxley!

¡Noham Chomsky!

*The Beatles

¿Quien es Walter Lipman?

¿Quien es Edward Bernays?

¿Quienes son Trist & Emery?

¿Quien es Hadley Cantril?

¿Quien es Jhon Rawling?



Thoughts into Data

Hard Data > Digital data

Software Process of Data > Manual Process of Data

Drag Data > Organise Data (Powerpoints and Spreadsheets)

Facts and Figures > Charts and Graphics

Information into Knowledge

+Smart Marketing Decisions > Smooth Business Intelligence

* word associations,

* sentence and story completion

* cartoon test

* thematic tests

* role playing

* third-person technique

* collages

* brand personifications

> Rapaille subscribes to the triune brain theory of Paul D. MacLean, which describes three distinct brains: the cortex, limbic, and reptilian. Beneath the cortex, the seat of logic and reason, is the limbic, which houses emotions.

La Semiótica, como muchas otras ciencias y disciplinas, no se concentra en buscar auxilios para el mercado tradicional, mucho menos para hacer un "copy" exitoso.


¡PARE DE SUFRIR! USTED ESTÁ EN UNO DE LOS PAÍSES MÁS FELICES DEL MUNDO (OTRA VEZ) / OPINIÓN: La última encuesta de WIN-Gallup sobre la (in)felicidad en el mundo contraataca. Colombia ocupa el primer lugar en felicidad de 54 países.

The Purpose of Research (Lecture) from Tim Stock

The first revolution hit when people who made stuff started to discover that information was often as valuable as the stuff itself. Knowing where something was or how it performed or how it interacted with you can be worth more than the item itself.

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