#BreakingStereotypes, an EXTRAORDINAIRE Indian CAMPAIGN Created, Promoted and Led by India´s TRULYMADLY.COM (Dating Site)!

"The world is a funny place. We live to be distinctive and strive to fit in at the same time, adding fuel to the fire of collective stereotypes while moving forward. But we at Truly Madly aren’t okay with the status quo. We like to see every individual through a different lens instead of bucketing them in categories. We like meeting fun people in this funny world and figuring out what makes them stand out"

We like going against the rules.

We like breaking stereotypes.

Take a look at the industry we work in! Matchmaking has suddenly become synonymous with scary elements like horoscopes (or as we call them, horrorscopes), aunties and panditjis, band baaja baraat and ‘statistics’. From these, statistics disturb us the most! Statistics turn the matchmaking process clinical and impersonal, which really takes the fun and love out of it.

No Sir. No thank you! We vote for compatibility and not mathematical congruency. So how to get the junta to start thinking differently? Show them the difference within themselves :)

It was with this objective that we decided to run a little social experiment and speak with Delhi boys and girls about life (not just matches ;)) and how they’ve faced generalisations while growing up. Surprisingly for them and excitingly enough for us, we hit gold! We found Hindus who eat beef, Punjabis who love masala dosas and baniyas who aren’t businessmen (gasp!).  As our campaign gained pace, numbers multiplied and the cycle went on. We have successfully managed to curate funky and controversial stereotypes faced by real people across town and debunked them ‘like a boss’! We are officially one step closer to breaking stereotypes in India. Yahoo!

Stay tuned for more pictures and stories that could change the way you look at people and live your life.

View Our #BreakingStereotypes! Gallery

Site> http://www.trulymadly.com/
About> http://blog.trulymadly.com/about-breaking-stereotypes/
Blog> http://blog.trulymadly.com/breaking-stereotypes/
Pinterest> http://www.pinterest.com/thetrulymadly/breakingstereotypes/
FB Page> https://www.facebook.com/trulymadly
Google Images> http://bit.ly/1BRL3EB

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