Si nunca te ha gustado el sarcasmo o simplemente no lo entiendes, malas noticias.
Seguro que has oído la palabra Coolhunting e incluso la habrás utilizado alguna vez.
Esta semana impartí un seminario acerca de los “Knowmads” lo que me llevó a realizar un trabajo de investigación más profundo; si cabe, sobre sus características y su forma de ser.
A pesar de la miopía del Congreso Colombiano frente al matrimonio gay, la revolución LGBTI no tiene reversa. Sus implicaciones en la economía, los negocios y la política en Colombia son inmensas.
“Who in the rainbow can draw the line where the violet tint ends and the orange tint begins? Distinctly we see the difference of the colors, but where exactly does the one first blendingly enter into the other? So with sanity and insanity.”

—Herman Melville, Billy Budd

Spectral Rhythm.

- Our experiences with objects determine how we feel about the colors of those objects.

- There are general trends in color preferences across cultures, but wide differences among individuals.
This is the fourth part in a series about how girls and women can navigate a culture that treats them like sex objects. (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)

Daily Rituals to Start

This post details some daily rituals that girls and women can engage in to interrupt damaging beauty culture scripts.
This is the third part in a series about how girls and women can navigate a culture that treats them like sex objects. (Part 1, Part 2).

This post outlines four damaging daily rituals of objectification culture we can immediately stop engaging in to improve our health.
Sexual Objectification, Part 1: What is it?

Posted on July 2, 2012by Caroline Heldman

This is the first part in a series about how girls and women can navigate a culture that treats them like sex objects.

–Oye, ¿y qué tal Fulanito?

–Majo, muy normal.

Últimamente el atributo de ser normal es un valor en alza. Si os fijáis, cuando preguntan por alguien y lo definen como ‘muy normal’, le damos mucho valor a este adjetivo.
“La cultura humana se basa en la mierda. (…) De la cuna a la sepultura, la mierda impregna nuestra concepción de la cultura, la sociedad, la salud, el decoro, el humor y la identidad”. La historia de la Humanidad es inexplicable sin la caca. Está por todas partes.

If you say something once people usually ignore it.

Say it twice and people think it’s a coincidence.

But say it three times and now the brain picks up on a pattern.

When you say something three times your listener will stop and take notice because it’s a form their mind is familiar with.

In other words… anything said in groups of threes will have the power to stop people’s own internal chatter long enough for you to get your message across.

Examples of three’s include,
 >The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
 >The good, the bad and the ugly.
 >Wine women and song.
 >Once, twice, three times a lady.
 >Before, during and after.

Yep, there’s power in them thar words.

And we’re talking persuasive power.

But wait… there’s more…

To make this principle work for you you’ll need three concepts. There’s that three thing again.
 >ONE. Emotionally bond with your prospects. Your ‘voice’ in writing is how you bond. Plus if you tell a story about yourself that resonates with your reader you bypass the logical, critical mind.

 >TWO. Offer proof elements that support your story, like numbers and facts.
Make it tangible.

 >THREE. Now have them agree with your logic. Here is where you give your reader an ‘intellectual alibi’ so they can tell others why they bought from you.

Can it really be this simple?

Try it yourself. Or better still look for it in a winning ad or sales letter. That way you’ll know how to use it effectively in your own writing. You can literally swipe ideas, not words, from million dollar sales letters that use this rare but powerful persuasion principle.

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Aquí hay casi doscientas posibles relaciones entre un consumidor y una marca que fueron escritas en "El Libro Rojo de las Marcas" por Luis Bassat.
El lingüista estadounidense Noam Chomsky enumera diez recursos utilizados por los medios para manipular la opinión pública a favor de diversas agendas corporativas o gubernamentales.
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